Military families have two weeks to meet March 31 deadlines for four important tasks related to their health care.
Enroll in a health care flexible spending account: In a special enrollment period through March 31, active duty service members have the option of enrolling in a health care flexible spending account, a new benefit that could help defray their out-of-pocket health care costs.
A health care flexible spending account, or FSA, is a savings account that can be used to pay for items not covered by health or dental insurance.
Service members can contribute any amount between $100 and $3,300 in pretax earnings this year toward eligible health care expenses, and then submit receipts for those expenses to be reimbursed from their account. Each year, the Internal Revenue Service determines eligible expenses and contribution limits.
By contributing to FSAs, the taxable income decreases by the contribution amount. Savings average 30% on eligible health care expenses, according to the Federal Flexible Spending Account Prog?am, or FSAFEDS, which administers the FSA program for the Defense Department and other federal agencies. Visit for more information and to enroll.
Download health records from the Tricare Online Patient Portal: The TOL Patient Portal will be shut down on April 1 and replaced by the Defense Department’s new electronic health record, MHS Genesis. To keep a copy of legacy health records, beneficiaries must download them by March 31. All military hospitals and clinics have made the transition to MHS Genesis, and the previous records won’t transfer to MHS Genesis. However, providers will continue to have access to the complete health records, according to the Defense Health Agency.
Beneficiaries can also request a physical copy from their military hospital or clinic’s records management office by completing a request form in person, then returning at a later date to pick up the records. Starting April 1, to get access to your legacy records, you’ll have to complete this process.
To download the records, visit, and log in using the required credentials. The web page provides instructions.
Beneficiaries in the Tricare West Region must set up their payment with TriWest: Beneficiaries who pay for their Tricare coverage using a bank electronic funds transfer, credit card or debit card, must provide that information to the new West Region contractor, TriWest Healthcare Alliance. Officials extended the deadline to March 31 following beneficiaries’ difficulty in accessing the TriWest web portal and other issues.
This affects certain beneficiaries enrolled in Tricare Prime, Tricare Select, Tricare Young Adult, Tricare Reserve Select and Tricare Retired Reserve. Officials have assured beneficiaries that if they pay by allotment, their allotments will be transferred automatically to TriWest from the previous contractor. That hasn’t happened for some people, Military Times previously reported, and beneficiaries should check their pay statements for allotment information. The payment requirement affects all West Region beneficiaries, including those in the six states that moved to the region: Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Wisconsin.
Visit the TriWest secure portal at, select “Sign up as a new user or log in” and follow the instructions. For assistance, call TriWest’s customer service center at 888-874-9378.
The West Region referral waiver period ends soon, so use Tricare Prime referrals for specialty care before March 31: Amid issues with TriWest, officials temporarily suspended a rule requiring beneficiaries to get their referrals to specialists approved, essentially allowing Tricare West Prime beneficiaries to bypass TriWest in order to get specialty care. This is retroactive to Jan. 1. The waiver doesn’t apply to some inpatient care and some specialty care, such as applied behavior analysis or autism care demonstration services.
The process is different for those with referrals and authorizations issued before Jan. 1 by the previous contractor. Those will be accepted through their expiration date or June 30, whichever comes first.
Karen has covered military families, quality of life and consumer issues for Military Times for more than 30 years, and is co-author of a chapter on media coverage of military families in the book "A Battle Plan for Supporting Military Families." She previously worked for newspapers in Guam, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Fla., and Athens, Ga.